Groove Game

A creative group project where we had to learn multiple new technologies including MongoDB, Bcrypt and React Native. Groove game is a fun way to add songs to your playlist with an extra added gaming quiz feature and leaderboard, that is only available once the user registers and logs in successfully. The full project can be viewed below.

Link to the deployed front end here - This includes the readme, wireframes and useful links.
Link to the deployed back end here - This includes the pre-requisites and endpoints

iPhone Emulator Screenshots

    LoginPage CredentualRequirement SpinTheWheel GeneratedSongs QuizDisplays QuizLeaderboard FlipCard

Tech Stack Used

    The project was created using React Native with the use of xcode(iPhone) and android studio(android) for the respective emulator, this allowed us to view the design as we create, thus allowing us to achieve mobile first design development.

    As a team, we chose to use trello for the ease of delegating tasks between team members. Within MongoDB, we wanted to mimic real life systems by having a test and development database where we could keep testing data and real data separate. We used git for version control which allowed us to review and approve each others work.

  • ReactNative React Native
  • Express Express
  • MongoDB MongoDB
  • github GitHub
  • Axios Axios
  • Trello Trello
  • VSCode VS Code
  • Jest Jest