Markdown Blog

A small project made with the intent on practising express, connecting it to MongoDB and have my first interaction with bootstrap CDN, where I can just include bootstraps compiled CSS/JS. The markdown blog allows users to post, edit and delete articles. The projects makes use of dompurify which sanitizes the HTML that the end users input. This means it will output clean HTML and prevent XSS attacks even if the user enters in strings of dirty HTML.

Link to the Github repository here

Blog Site

    Home Edit Content

Tech Stack Used

    This small project uses a library called EJS. EJS is a templating language that allows us to generate HTML markup using plain JavaScript. It provides a simple and intuitive way to generate dynamic content in our web applications, making it easier to manage and organize our code

  • NodeJS Node JS
  • Express Express
  • Github GitHub
  • MongoDB MongoDB
  • Bootstrap Bootstrap